I woke up @ 6:30 and took Mojo for his morning walk. I noticed that it was a little cool and breezy, but nothing drastic. I filled my bottles and loaded my bike, to Douche's I went. I arrived at 7:45 and was immediately molested by Zeus, the world class hunting dog. After 10 minutes of convinging him that I was not a rawhide, I got my gear on and we headed out.
It was early enough that we decided to take Union to downtown. I popped a gel to ready the body for the day's intense workout. We started off at a nice pace, the legs were warming up. We went under the Poplar overpass and onto Union and it hit us immediately, the wind. It was blowing out of the North something fierce. I buried my head and thought about how miserable this day would be.
We kept our good pace all the way up Union until we hit McClain, It had only been five miles and I was silently screaming "please let's stop at Starbucks". We made it just past Cooper and I heard the words that would define our ride. Douch said "pull over here, I want to look at this new farmers market". The intense ride was over. We made it for 5-6 miles. We peeked into the windows of a dark storefront, nothing to see. As we pulled back onto Union we came to a mutual agreement, a nice tour of the city was in order.
We rode over the Auction Street bridge and checked out the river, still high. We then decided that a cappuccino was in order, so we went to Cafe Eclectic in Harbor Town. We each ordered a large cappuccino. Douche wanted some lemon, blueberry, bacon scone, but they were out. I went straight Americana and got a bacon, egg and cheese. I did add a little sophistication by having it on a croissant. We spent the next 30 minutes doing nothing.
As you can see, I really enjoyed my croissant.
We finished our breakfast and got back on our tour of the city. Our next stop was at Cafe Society, but I don't know why. Douche just said pull over, so I did. We stayed there for 10 seconds and were back on our way. We then headed over to the Fairgrounds, we were gonna pull in and check out the BBQ Festival set up, but we didn't.
We continued down Central and decided to do a garden tour of Chickasaw Gardens. We cruised through looking at houses, the whole time Douche announcing "left turn", "right turn". I felt like I was riding my bike on the Zippin Pippin. We did come to the conclusion that most of the houses in Chickasaw Gardens sit on very small lots. We were really getting a workout!
After our garden tour, we headed back home through High Point, lots are much bigger there. We pulled into Douche's driveway and that was it, ride over. Our 60 mile workout turned into a 20 mile breakfast run. I might have ridden enough to burn off my bacon, egg and cheese, but probably not the cappuccino.
There was one last garden we had to look at...
This is Douche's garden, he is very proud of it. He told me this morning that I don't give it any respect. So here you go. If anyone needs any thyme, basil or rosemary just give me a shout, I'll have Douche send you some.
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