Now let's get to the meat of the post. The Greenline pisses me off, not the Greenline itself, but many of the people using it. Now to be transparent, I don't typically ride the Greenline, but I have been on it 1/2 dozen times & it's the same every time.

I don't know who this clown is, I just found this picture on Google Images, but it represents my frustration perfectly. Is talking on your phone really necessary while your exercising? Every time I have been on the Greenline there are people walking or biking while talking on their phone, stupid! If you don't have 30 minutes to put your phone down, stay home. Reminder, for it really to be called exercise, you need to elevate your heart rate. I rank these people right up there with those who talk on the phone while using the restroom. Put your phone down, pay attention to your surroundings and enjoy your 30 minutes of freedom.

Let me start by saying I like dogs. We actually have a new puppy joining our family on Sunday, his name will be "Mojo". I think it's great people take their dogs on walks with them, but does "Fido" really need an 18' leash? It's like the roles are reversed and the dogs are taking their owners on walks. I see these dogs every time, running from one side of the path to the other. Why is it annoying?? Because I have to slow down to make sure I don't take out "Fido" as I ride by. On a side-note, If you dog weighs more than your child, don't let the child walk it.

These are called street lanes, they designate the flow of traffic. Notice also that there is no designation for a center lane. The picture below must be posted in an area that I have never seen, because it is how many of the people walk and ride on the Greenline.

I realize you might just be out for a joyride, but stay in the proper lane. These are typically the people that scare me the most, I never know what direction they will jolt when I yell that I'm passing them.
One major trend that I've noticed is the lack of helmets being worn by cyclists. Just because your not going 15-20 mph doesn't mean your shouldn't wear one. There are a lot of people on the path and a simple accident could happen at any time. Be safe and always throw on a helmet, Moms & Dads, you especially. Set a good example for your kids.
The Greenline is a great facility for our city and I do believe it has brought many people off the couch and outside. I hope it continues to grow and that more people will take advantage of it, I just ask that everyone pay attention and be considerate of others that are using it.
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