In 37 years I had never broken a bone, then I had my accident in January. It was a big setback, but I made it through. I've spent countless hours training since late March and my progress has been amazing. I feel the strongest physically I have felt in over a decade. With only five weeks left until Leadville, I'm very confident in both my physical and mental fitness.
I have been here in Florida with the family for five days and my training is going great. I have not missed a workout. I'm feeling stronger with each ride and the numbers from my computer are confirming my feelings. But I have just been hit with a possible set back...
I had just finished a great two hour training yesterday and come back to the house. The kids were outside playing with the water hose. I put on my swim suit and went outside to join them. Asher had control of the hose and was spraying anyone in site. Being the 37 year old stealth ninja that I am, I went for a sneak attack. At the last minute he saw me, I ran through the lounge chairs and it happened. My little toe kicked the metal frame of the chair. You know the feeling. I continued running because I didn't want the direct spray of water to the face added to the pain of my foot. The pain lasted a few minutes, I figured maybe I had just jammed it pretty good. We continued playing.
A few hours later I was getting dressed for dinner. When I went to slide on my shoe I knew I had a problem. The pain was immense. I hobbled to dinner with thoughts of numbing my pain with a few glasses of red wine. I definitely had the wine, but the pain was still present. Could this really be happening?
When I woke this morning it was not a pretty scene. My toe looked like I had gotten frost bite on Mt. Everest. Dr. Kimberly got online to give me a diagnosis. All the typical stuff...Keep it elevated, no strenuous exercise, stay off your feet, all great things for someone in my current position. The one statement that really stuck out was "6 weeks to heal". I could tell be her face she was hesitant to even read that one. I don't have six weeks...
When I texted a friend to give him the news, his response was priceless..."You better tape it up, you've got a training ride today". That was it, simple but firm. So that's what I did. I somehow squeezed my swollen left foot into my shoe and hobbled outside. I mounted the saddle and took off down the road. I was supposed to do 1:30, but I shut it down at 50 minutes, thats all I could take. I actually rode that final 1/4 mile with only my right foot.
I can't believe this happened and I'm really not sure what impact it will have on my training the next few weeks. It's crunch time and I don't have any down time available. I've got another 1:30 ride tomorrow and I'm hoping it goes better.
I said in my CA aritcle that I would not comment on my finish at Leadville only that Leadville would get 100% effort. That is still my mindset and I will not allow a broken toe stop that effort.
I did speak to a Dr. back in Memphis who is aware of my training and he told me If worse came to worse, he could just cut it off. I'm not dismissing that as a possibility.
Seriously? You must have been one hell of a jackass in a previous life. Karma is a bitch. When are u home? Your wife won't answer my calls. She kind of sucks... I'm just sayin'
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