I woke at 4:15 am, not to my alarm clock, but to the large knot in my stomach. To my surprise, I had actually gotten a good night's sleep. I exited my room and headed to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. The house was dark and silent as I stepped over bodies camped out on the den floor. I flipped the light switch in the kitchen and a orange yellow haze filled the room. I grabbed a pot from the cabinet to boil some water and emptied two packets of oatmeal into a bowl. As I sat in the kitchen eating my oatmeal, more bodies began to appear. Each new arrival seemed to only be greeted with a simple "good morning" or a head nod. The fraternity banter was gone, everyone seemed focused or nervous, or in my case, scared shitless. By 4:30 am the kitchen looked line a line at Piccadilly cafeteria on a Sunday after church. Everyone was making their different plates, everything from the stove top to the oven to the microwave was in use. The room remained fairly quiet, the mental checklists in full force.
At 5:15 am we were all standing with our bikes on 6th Street. The cool air felt amazing and the stars lit up the sky. Once we placed our bikes in the starting corral, we went back to the house to get our kits on and grab anything and everything we would be needing for the ride. This was a tense moment for me. So much to remember. I must have run through my list ten times. I finally decided I had enough and went into the den to wait for my fellow Leadville brothers. We arrived back onto 6th street at 6:00 am, thirty minutes to the start. The size of the crowd had grown to almost 1500 riders. Walking through the corral and down to our bikes was like walking across a frozen lake full of cracks. There were bikes laying on their sides everywhere. The last thing I wanted was to end someones race before it started by stepping on their wheel and braking some spokes. After 10 minutes of squeezing through and stepping over I arrived at my bike. I snapped on my bike computer and through my leg over the top tube. The sun was just beginning to rise. The line of riders was further than the eye could see, family and friends lined the street 3 deep. Words of encouragement being shouted,camera shutters snapping. My race would start all the way in the back in what they called the "First Timers" corral. The race director came over the loud speaker and gave us the five minute announcement. I turned around to Douche and we gave each other a "let's do this" look. At precisely 6:30 am the shotgun went off. Six months of anticipation and four months of training were over, I crossed the start/finish line at 6:32 am and clicked the start button on my computer. I was on my way.
The first 3-4 miles of the ride take place on pavement. This is probably the most dangerous and nerve racking portion of the entire ride. You have all 2000 riders going as hard as they can to try and improve their positions before the narrow gravel road begins. I kept my pace high and consistent with the riders around me. I've ridden in plenty of group rides where bars are inches apart, but this was different. It was almost mayhem. I looked off into the distance and saw a massive dust cloud rising into the air, I knew the dirt/gravel road was close. A quick left turn over the tracks and then an even quicker right turn threw us onto the gravel/dirt road. The pace immediately went from fast to a dead crawl. 2000 riders maneuvering themselves onto a road no wider than a single lane of traffic. The trail was anything but smooth, the outer edges lined with stones. I picked a line and held my pace, I was also trying to use this slow time to get my heart rate under control. The mad dash from the start had my ticker kicking higher than I wanted. About 1/4 mile into the road, the pace found a nice median and the riders all began to settle in. The ground was thick with dust, almost like riding through a layer of sand. It was cold, at one point we dropped down into a valley and my computer read 38 degrees. The fog was hovering across the valley, it was beautiful. I was extremely happy to have made it through this first nerve racking section, but I knew the first big obstacle of the day lay just ahead.
St. Kevins
I was more nervous about this section of the course than any other. It hits you very early in the race while your legs are barely awake. The pace was still very slow as the climb began, I felt like a sardine slammed bar to bar against other riders. The road on St. Kevins in not the best, it is rocky and washed out in spots. As the grade steepened, I picked a line on the right side and focused on my cadence. About halfway up, the rider in front of me fell, not what I needed. I had to stop. I began to push up the hill trying to find a good spot to remount. Once I did, it was like trying to enter the autobahn from a dead stop. I finally got remounted and on my way. My legs were definitely awake when I reached the top of the climb. I was a little gassed, but felt okay.
After a little bit of trail riding, I reached the asphalt. This was a really cool section of the course, It would take me to my next obstacle, Sugar loaf Pass. The road was in great shape and the first part was downhill and super fast. I wanted to keep my pace up, but I also wanted to use this time recover from Kevins. I was able to hook up with a few other riders and we shared the workload. This section of the course was beautiful, the sun was up and the temperature was perfect. I was surrounded by mountains. I couldn't help but take a moment to take it all in.
A 180 degree left turn threw me onto the Sugarloaf climb. Once again, the nice road gave way to a narrow and rocky trail. The climb never got severe, but the road condition was tough. I probably went to cautious on this section, but I did not want a flat or some other mechanical issue and this section was taking riders out left and right. By the time I reached Sugarloaf, the pack had really spread out and that helped my nerves. I stomped out a more consistent cadence on this climb. Once over the top, the course became really fun, a lot of downhill with some fun speed bumps, is what I would call them. My focus shifted from the pain in my legs to the tricky trail. If I remember correctly, at this point in the race I was around 18-20 miles in and headed for the famous Powerline descent.
If the road to Sugarloaf was the most beautiful section of the course, the Powerline descent was certainly the coolest. This is not an easy descent. They even told us in the riders meeting to keep it cool, no sense in trying to be Evil Knievel. One misstep here and your bike could be trashed and your ass in a hospital bed. Powerline is the first part of the course where a lot of spectators gather. It was really cool to have random strangers waving cowbells and yelling out encouragement. Obviously the spectators didn't know my name, so they would yell out my number. The main objective of this section is keep your speed under control and watch your lines. The ruts here will take you out quickly. Halfway down and I was doing great.
I survived Powerline unscathed. My spirits were high, but they were about to get a big boost. Once down, the trail winds around for a bit, pretty flat, then you hit a small uphill that leads to another paved road. I remembered this section after seeing it in the Race Across the Sky video. As I made the turn I heard someone yell my name, it was Kimberly. This was the first time I had seen her since she arrived in Colorado. She was standing with Kate, Russ & Peter.
I think she actually took this picture before she yelled my name.
I was pretty excited as you can tell. A few words were exchanged in passing and I was on my way. About a mile up the road Russ and Peter drove by me and asked if I needed anything, I simply asked how much further to the first aid stop. They told me a few more miles and they took off. Right behind them was Kimberly and Kate, Kim snapped this photo. I love the mountains in the background.
In all the excitement of seeing everyone, I made a critical mistake. I was alone on the paved road. I should have sat up and waited for a large group so we could take turns in a pace line. Instead, I went at it alone. There was a pretty descent headwind, then crosswind. I used up a lot of energy on this section. Lesson learned.
I pulled into the pipeline aid station at just under three hours. It was packed. The families and spectators were cheering for every rider. My coach Ben (LadyKiller) had told me the day before exactly where he would be. As I crossed the timing mat he was right there, I pulled over and quickly hoped off the bike. Ben told me I was doing good. I removed my jacket and arm warmers, got two fresh bottles and was on my way. As I pulled off I began to calculate the time in my head. The first cut-off was at mile 40, Twin Lakes. You have to make it there by 10:30 or your race is over. I had about an hour and fifteen minutes... I was cutting it close, really close.
The course between Pipeline aid station and Twin Lakes is pretty straightforward. A few climbs and a lot of jeep road. I told myself not to look at the time, but to keep my head down and go hard. Once again, I was all alone. At mile 35 I caught a group of riders on a climb. While riding together I overheard one of them say the time, 10:00. I had 30 minutes to make it the five miles. I wasn't loosing time, but I wasn't making any either. I started to get freaked. At mile 38 I saw an amazing but frustrating site, the leaders. That's right, they had already made the 50 mile turnaround and were on the way home. Another confirmation that I better get my ass moving.
Off the jeep road and back onto the pavement. I was close. I began to see volunteers directing us where to go. I pulled up next to another rider and he yelled out "We've got 5 minutes, were gonna make it", my heart skipped a beat. The paved road headed straight downhill. I went as hard as I could go, I even got into one of those cool positions you see the guys in the Tour D' France get into when they are descending. I don't know if it helped, but it felt cool. I reached the bottom of the hill and made the hard left turn onto the Twin Lakes Levee. I was moving, my heart rate was red lined. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar face, it was Kimberly. "Move Your Ass" was all I heard. In the blink of an eye she was gone. The levee road was packed with thousands of spectators. Every few seconds I would hear, "You've got two minutes, only a half mile left". My legs were on fire and my chest was pounding. I couldn't miss this checkpoint, no way. I peddled like I had never peddled before, I could see the black arch of the checkpoint in the distance. "You can do it 2086", "Dig Deep", The closer I got the louder the screams, it was surreal. "Dig Deep 2086", "Go hard, Go Hard".......
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Registration & Riders Meeting
On Thursday afternoon, Mark, Bubba and I left the comfort of the house in Edwards, Co and headed into Leadville. It is a beautiful 50 minute drive into the old mining town. This was the third time I had made the drive this week and each time was fantastic. I would notice things on each drive that I hadn't seen before. We arrived at the house on Elm St. around 1:30. It was definitely a far cry from what we had left.
The house consisted of three bedrooms, actually two bedrooms and what I refereed to as a prison cell. There was a front room, a small den and a even smaller kitchen. Oh, there was only one bathroom. Being the food snob that I am and knowing that I had been designated the cook for the next two nights, I was very concerned with the kitchen. One bathroom....ha...Electric stove....uh oh.
The three of us proceeded to unload our stuff and put away all the food. We also laid claim to the bedrooms. It was immediately decided that Mark would be given the prison cell, something about his snoring. It must be infamous, because it wasn't the first time this week it had been mentioned.
This is the prison cell. The picture really doesn't do justice to how small this room was. I think the ceiling was 6'
Bubba and I decided to share a room, which would leave Douche and Jason to share a room. Since Douche and Jason were still driving from Denver, they had no say over which room they would get, we decided they would really enjoy the Animal Kingdom room. This room was probably 12x10 and included at least 25 mounted deer heads. I thought it was really nice of us to give up the room for them.
Once settled, we headed into town to get registered for the race. For me, this is when the jitters really began. The process was very organized. Once they found your name, you were handed your race numbers and they also wrote your number on the top of your right hand. Then you moved down the line to the medical check where they gave you a bracelet to wear on your left wrist. This bracelet listed your name and any medical information. Down the line again and you received your "schwag bag". I must say that I was really disappointed in the contents of this bag. It was mainly coupons and promotional material. A Sierra Nevada beer opener is cool, but come on....
We then headed inside to finalize our registration. At this point, you are reminded how difficult and dangerous this race is. I must have filled out and been asked to double check my emergency contact information three times in five minutes. Once it was determined that if I were laying on the side of the trail bleeding and unconscious that Kimberly could be notified, I was ushered to the final stop in this process, the timing chip. The timing chip is your life line on this ride. You must wear it on your left ankle. Throughout the course, there were timing mats on the ground that you rode over. The Velcro chip on your ankle would log your times at these stops for the officials. I was all signed up and ready to race. I was no longer Larkin, I was rider 2086. I must admit that I'm a numbers guy and I hated this number as soon as I received it. Actually, I just hated the final two, 86. You see, in my industry, that numbers means your out. Nothing I could do, so I griped for a minute or two and moved on.
Douche and Jason arrived about two hours later....along with some other guys. Our Leadville 100 2011 fraternity was now complete. There was me, Douche, Mark, Bubba, Jason, Russ, Peter and Forest. Yeah....9 guys in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house. It was going to be a long 2 1/2 days. We all relaxed around the house for the remainder of the day and got ready for dinner. That night I prepared boneless pork chops, Penne pasta diablo, rosemary focciacco and a wild mixed greens salad with dried cranberries, feta cheese and sliced almonds. It turned out great and everyone was really thankful for the meal. I appreciated it.
After dinner, we watched Hall Pass. It is definitely fraternity house humor, but it was funny as hell. I highly suggest checking it out if you have not seen it. Day 1 in Leadville house ended about 10:30.
One day until race day. We all headed up to Main St. to attend the mandatory riders meeting at the 6th street gym. We had a little time, so we wandered around the local shops, grabbing last minute items that we convinced ourselves we couldn't race without.
Walking into the gym was surreal. I had seen this so many times in the Race Across the Sky movies and I immediately got goosebumps realizing I was here. We all walked upfront and got a great spot just off the main stage. It was packed.
The vibe of the room was incredible. You immediately felt pumped up and ready to go to battle with the course. I also thought a lot about all my training and what I had overcome to be here, it was cool.
The room was packed with bike and Race Across the Sky celebrities. Everywhere I looked I recognized someone, but two people stood out the most.
Sorry the picture is fuzzy, Douche took it.
This is Elden, aka, the "Fat Cyclist". His blog, fatcyclist.com has become one of the most popular out there. I've been reading it for a long time and it was definitely one of my inspirations for starting my own blog. Without knowing it, he has become a mentor to me with my blog. There is a lot of meaning to his blog and his story and he puts in a lot of time and effort to raise serious bucks for Livestrong. He was extremely gracious and we chatted for a few minutes. Having my picture taken with him made my day. I highly encourage you to check out his site.
The man in the middle is Ricky McDonald. He is a Leadville legend. He is a 49 year old Denver firefighter and is 1 of only 3 men to compete in every Leadville race since it's inception. This year would be his 18th race. One of the more amazing and humbling facts is that he has ridden all 18 races on the same bike. He has also worn that same work shirt. Highlight #2, I was in heaven. A few days after this years race, the Denver Post did a cool story about Ricky. Check it out.
The meeting lasted about an 1 1/2 hours. It was filled with excitement, motivation, inspiration and emotion. We walked out of that gym and back into the cool Leadville breeze ready to conquer the world. I will never forget the 6th street gym...ever.
We headed back to the house and made all the final preparations for race day. We checked and double checked. We all made final inspections to our bikes and gathered our nutrition. You could definitely feel the nerves of everyone in the house. We ate another nice dinner and called it quits for the night. The silence of the house was eery, I knew that everyone's minds were focused for the big day.
9 hours until the shotgun sounds.......It was finally here
The house consisted of three bedrooms, actually two bedrooms and what I refereed to as a prison cell. There was a front room, a small den and a even smaller kitchen. Oh, there was only one bathroom. Being the food snob that I am and knowing that I had been designated the cook for the next two nights, I was very concerned with the kitchen. One bathroom....ha...Electric stove....uh oh.
The three of us proceeded to unload our stuff and put away all the food. We also laid claim to the bedrooms. It was immediately decided that Mark would be given the prison cell, something about his snoring. It must be infamous, because it wasn't the first time this week it had been mentioned.
This is the prison cell. The picture really doesn't do justice to how small this room was. I think the ceiling was 6'
Bubba and I decided to share a room, which would leave Douche and Jason to share a room. Since Douche and Jason were still driving from Denver, they had no say over which room they would get, we decided they would really enjoy the Animal Kingdom room. This room was probably 12x10 and included at least 25 mounted deer heads. I thought it was really nice of us to give up the room for them.
Once settled, we headed into town to get registered for the race. For me, this is when the jitters really began. The process was very organized. Once they found your name, you were handed your race numbers and they also wrote your number on the top of your right hand. Then you moved down the line to the medical check where they gave you a bracelet to wear on your left wrist. This bracelet listed your name and any medical information. Down the line again and you received your "schwag bag". I must say that I was really disappointed in the contents of this bag. It was mainly coupons and promotional material. A Sierra Nevada beer opener is cool, but come on....
We then headed inside to finalize our registration. At this point, you are reminded how difficult and dangerous this race is. I must have filled out and been asked to double check my emergency contact information three times in five minutes. Once it was determined that if I were laying on the side of the trail bleeding and unconscious that Kimberly could be notified, I was ushered to the final stop in this process, the timing chip. The timing chip is your life line on this ride. You must wear it on your left ankle. Throughout the course, there were timing mats on the ground that you rode over. The Velcro chip on your ankle would log your times at these stops for the officials. I was all signed up and ready to race. I was no longer Larkin, I was rider 2086. I must admit that I'm a numbers guy and I hated this number as soon as I received it. Actually, I just hated the final two, 86. You see, in my industry, that numbers means your out. Nothing I could do, so I griped for a minute or two and moved on.
Douche and Jason arrived about two hours later....along with some other guys. Our Leadville 100 2011 fraternity was now complete. There was me, Douche, Mark, Bubba, Jason, Russ, Peter and Forest. Yeah....9 guys in a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom house. It was going to be a long 2 1/2 days. We all relaxed around the house for the remainder of the day and got ready for dinner. That night I prepared boneless pork chops, Penne pasta diablo, rosemary focciacco and a wild mixed greens salad with dried cranberries, feta cheese and sliced almonds. It turned out great and everyone was really thankful for the meal. I appreciated it.
After dinner, we watched Hall Pass. It is definitely fraternity house humor, but it was funny as hell. I highly suggest checking it out if you have not seen it. Day 1 in Leadville house ended about 10:30.
One day until race day. We all headed up to Main St. to attend the mandatory riders meeting at the 6th street gym. We had a little time, so we wandered around the local shops, grabbing last minute items that we convinced ourselves we couldn't race without.
Walking into the gym was surreal. I had seen this so many times in the Race Across the Sky movies and I immediately got goosebumps realizing I was here. We all walked upfront and got a great spot just off the main stage. It was packed.
The vibe of the room was incredible. You immediately felt pumped up and ready to go to battle with the course. I also thought a lot about all my training and what I had overcome to be here, it was cool.
The room was packed with bike and Race Across the Sky celebrities. Everywhere I looked I recognized someone, but two people stood out the most.
Sorry the picture is fuzzy, Douche took it.
This is Elden, aka, the "Fat Cyclist". His blog, fatcyclist.com has become one of the most popular out there. I've been reading it for a long time and it was definitely one of my inspirations for starting my own blog. Without knowing it, he has become a mentor to me with my blog. There is a lot of meaning to his blog and his story and he puts in a lot of time and effort to raise serious bucks for Livestrong. He was extremely gracious and we chatted for a few minutes. Having my picture taken with him made my day. I highly encourage you to check out his site.
The man in the middle is Ricky McDonald. He is a Leadville legend. He is a 49 year old Denver firefighter and is 1 of only 3 men to compete in every Leadville race since it's inception. This year would be his 18th race. One of the more amazing and humbling facts is that he has ridden all 18 races on the same bike. He has also worn that same work shirt. Highlight #2, I was in heaven. A few days after this years race, the Denver Post did a cool story about Ricky. Check it out.
The meeting lasted about an 1 1/2 hours. It was filled with excitement, motivation, inspiration and emotion. We walked out of that gym and back into the cool Leadville breeze ready to conquer the world. I will never forget the 6th street gym...ever.
We headed back to the house and made all the final preparations for race day. We checked and double checked. We all made final inspections to our bikes and gathered our nutrition. You could definitely feel the nerves of everyone in the house. We ate another nice dinner and called it quits for the night. The silence of the house was eery, I knew that everyone's minds were focused for the big day.
9 hours until the shotgun sounds.......It was finally here
Thursday, August 18, 2011
9 Guys + 5 Days + 500 Miles =
The Wings Ride is a five-day 500 mile charity cycling event coordinated by Dr. Todd Tillmanns of The West Clinic and the Wolf River Racing Team. The purpose of the Wings Ride is to increase cancer awareness, encourage a healthy lifestyle, and raise funds for the Wings Cancer Foundation. 100% of your tax deductible donations to the Wings Ride will fund Wings’ new wellness program which begins in June 2011. Research shows that these activities help survivors recover from their treatment faster as well as prevent future cancer diagnosis.
If you are interested in making a donation, you can do that online or via mail. You can also download the brochure online.
Let's all get out and support this great event.

The Wings Ride is a five-day 500 mile charity cycling event coordinated by Dr. Todd Tillmanns of The West Clinic and the Wolf River Racing Team. The purpose of the Wings Ride is to increase cancer awareness, encourage a healthy lifestyle, and raise funds for the Wings Cancer Foundation. 100% of your tax deductible donations to the Wings Ride will fund Wings’ new wellness program which begins in June 2011. Research shows that these activities help survivors recover from their treatment faster as well as prevent future cancer diagnosis.
If you are interested in making a donation, you can do that online or via mail. You can also download the brochure online.
Let's all get out and support this great event.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Newest Danny MacAskill Video
This is the latest video from Danny MacAskill. If you have never seen any of his videos,you are in for a treat. I would highly recommend viewing prior videos, they are all incredible. His music is always incredible also. His last video " Inspired Bicycles" featured the song "The Funeral" by Band of Horses.
5 Days and Counting
So I arrived in Denver on Monday the 8th, five days before the race. I felt confident that this would be enough time to acclimate to the altitude. I landed and promptly headed for the rental car lot. I had made the executive decision that if I was going to be in Colorado I wanted a cool car to drive around and enjoy the amazing weather. I was extremely disappointed to discover that they were sold out of neon blue PT Cruisers, so I settled for this.....
I hoped onto I 70 West towards Edwards, Co. This was where I would be staying for a few days until we headed into Leadville on Thursday afternoon. Coming from weeks of brutally high temperatures, the weather was the first thing I noticed. I typically hate those people who take a picture of their interior car thermometers, (Yeah, I get it....It's hot. Do you think your car is the only one?) but I couldn't resist. I mainly wanted to do it because I'm an ass and I wanted my friends back home to see what I was enjoying.
The drive from Denver to Edwards was a beautiful one. It was really nice to look at mountains and streams rather than overgrown and weeded medians and neon green T-Dot trucks placing orange tow stickers on broken down or abandoned vehicles. One a side note, have you ever seen anyone trying to remove those orange tow stickers?? What a pain in the ass, I would probably just go get a new window. Sorry, back to the story. I arrived at the house in Edwards, my two house mates and fellow racers, we'll just call them B&M were not there. They had left me a message that they were going to be at the Ritz Carlton in Beaver Creek for the afternoon. No better way to prepare for a race than getting a facial and pedicure. Sorry guys, but you should have known I would mention it...
I carried my bags in the house and found my room. The house was fantastic. I settled on the room with the king sized bunk beds and began to unpack. I laid out all my race clothes and the other 30lbs of nutriton and bike accessories I have brought along. Once my OCD was visually pleased with the layout of the items I went on the porch to relax. Not a bad view...
B & M returned just a little while later. After five minutes or so of cracking jokes about their spa afternoon we made plans for dinner. We made plans to head back into Vail Village. The Vail Village was fantastic and our meal was really good. I knew I had a training ride the next day so I only had one beer, well.... Okay I had two tequila shots later that night. After dinner, we ended up at this Mexican restaurant in the village. One of the people in our party asked the bartender what the ski was doing hanging above the bar, he responded by telling us it was a "ski shot". He pulled the ski down and lined up five shot glasses into little rubber holders on the ski. The goal of this ingenious contraption is to get five friends and to lift the ski up and take the shot without spilling. I gave in to peer pressure and lined up at the bar. We successfully knocked out the "ski shot". There is video somewhere of the event, I will have to find it. We stayed an hour or so and then decided to head home, but it wasn't as easy at it should have been....
You ever see that Seinfeld episode where they loose the car in the parking garage? Yeah.....we did that. We spent 20 minutes walking around this parking garage, going from level to level with no success. It became comical, I'm sure the tequila shots made it funnier than it actually was. It's pretty hard to loose a Suburban with a four bike rack on the back. After making loop after loop we finally found it. We jumped back onto I 70 and headed home. I got into bed and told myself, "big day tomorrow". I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I woke the next morning and began to prepare for my big Columbine Mountain training ride. First thing on the list....remove the top from the jeep. With the top removed, I loaded my bike and headed to Leadville, Co. The drive was breathtaking.
I arrived into Leadville around 11:30 and the temperature was 68 degrees. The elevation in Leadville is over 10,000' I don't mean this as a knock, but there isn't much going on in this old mining town. There is a main street about 200 yards long and that's it. In case you don't know where you are, which I considered could be possible due to the lack of oxygen to the brain, they have this great concrete structure...
I stopped into the local bike shop and got directions to Columbine Mtn. Twenty-five minutes later, there she was staring down at me with all her glory. I unpacked the bike, geared up and took off. I rode the trail towards the mountain for about 3o minutes, it was awesome, but there was one problem....I wasn't getting any closer to the mountain, I was actually getting farther away. A short time later I came across something I recognized.....my rental car. I had just spent an hour riding a complete circle back to the car. Great start. I immediately called "Douche" for help, he told me he would send me a map, who am I, Lewis & Clark and spouted back. It was at this exact moment I had my first bike celebrity citing....Rebecca Rusch or for those who know her, The Queen of Pain. She has been the ladies winner of the Leadville 100 for the past two years. She blew by me like she had an engine on her bike. A few minutes later a few riders came by and I got directions towards Columbine. I was on my way.
The climb up Columbine starts on a great fire road. The grade isn't really steep......it's just relentless. The roads wind and switchback through the trees for 6 or so miles and then you get above tree line. It is at this point of the climb where reality kicks you with a steel toed boat. The road switches to a rocky trail no wider than a cart path. There were sections so steep I had to get off and push, lots of sections... At this point in the climb, you are at 12,000'. My breathing never seemed impaired by the elevation, only by the beauty of the view. After numerous sessions of short riding, then walking, I made the left turn on the trail that takes you to the 50 mile turn around point of the race. This is a really cool section, it's about 300-400 yards long and you can ride it all. It's as if your riding a levee on top of the world. I pulled down to the turnaround and dismounted.
At this point, you are sitting at 12,570'. I stayed on top for 20-30 minutes taking pictures. I think the coolest part was that somehow I had a full phone signal. So I had to make a few phone calls.
The ride back down is very sketchy at the beginning. The grade is so steep and some of the sections are nothing but loose rocks. I didn't want to end my race before it started, so I really took my time. It was still so thrilling. I don't think I have ever ridden that long downhill. I made it back to the car and headed home. It was a great day, one I will never forget.
The next day and a half were pretty relaxed. We chilled around the house and went back into Vail for meals. On Thursday afternoon, we packed up and headed to the house in Leadville, our home for the next two days. It was slightly different than the house in Edwards.
Tune in tomorrow for a report on the final days of preparation in Leadville. Oh......The Douche arrives, so you know there will be a story or six....
I hoped onto I 70 West towards Edwards, Co. This was where I would be staying for a few days until we headed into Leadville on Thursday afternoon. Coming from weeks of brutally high temperatures, the weather was the first thing I noticed. I typically hate those people who take a picture of their interior car thermometers, (Yeah, I get it....It's hot. Do you think your car is the only one?) but I couldn't resist. I mainly wanted to do it because I'm an ass and I wanted my friends back home to see what I was enjoying.
The drive from Denver to Edwards was a beautiful one. It was really nice to look at mountains and streams rather than overgrown and weeded medians and neon green T-Dot trucks placing orange tow stickers on broken down or abandoned vehicles. One a side note, have you ever seen anyone trying to remove those orange tow stickers?? What a pain in the ass, I would probably just go get a new window. Sorry, back to the story. I arrived at the house in Edwards, my two house mates and fellow racers, we'll just call them B&M were not there. They had left me a message that they were going to be at the Ritz Carlton in Beaver Creek for the afternoon. No better way to prepare for a race than getting a facial and pedicure. Sorry guys, but you should have known I would mention it...
I carried my bags in the house and found my room. The house was fantastic. I settled on the room with the king sized bunk beds and began to unpack. I laid out all my race clothes and the other 30lbs of nutriton and bike accessories I have brought along. Once my OCD was visually pleased with the layout of the items I went on the porch to relax. Not a bad view...
B & M returned just a little while later. After five minutes or so of cracking jokes about their spa afternoon we made plans for dinner. We made plans to head back into Vail Village. The Vail Village was fantastic and our meal was really good. I knew I had a training ride the next day so I only had one beer, well.... Okay I had two tequila shots later that night. After dinner, we ended up at this Mexican restaurant in the village. One of the people in our party asked the bartender what the ski was doing hanging above the bar, he responded by telling us it was a "ski shot". He pulled the ski down and lined up five shot glasses into little rubber holders on the ski. The goal of this ingenious contraption is to get five friends and to lift the ski up and take the shot without spilling. I gave in to peer pressure and lined up at the bar. We successfully knocked out the "ski shot". There is video somewhere of the event, I will have to find it. We stayed an hour or so and then decided to head home, but it wasn't as easy at it should have been....
You ever see that Seinfeld episode where they loose the car in the parking garage? Yeah.....we did that. We spent 20 minutes walking around this parking garage, going from level to level with no success. It became comical, I'm sure the tequila shots made it funnier than it actually was. It's pretty hard to loose a Suburban with a four bike rack on the back. After making loop after loop we finally found it. We jumped back onto I 70 and headed home. I got into bed and told myself, "big day tomorrow". I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
I woke the next morning and began to prepare for my big Columbine Mountain training ride. First thing on the list....remove the top from the jeep. With the top removed, I loaded my bike and headed to Leadville, Co. The drive was breathtaking.
I arrived into Leadville around 11:30 and the temperature was 68 degrees. The elevation in Leadville is over 10,000' I don't mean this as a knock, but there isn't much going on in this old mining town. There is a main street about 200 yards long and that's it. In case you don't know where you are, which I considered could be possible due to the lack of oxygen to the brain, they have this great concrete structure...
I stopped into the local bike shop and got directions to Columbine Mtn. Twenty-five minutes later, there she was staring down at me with all her glory. I unpacked the bike, geared up and took off. I rode the trail towards the mountain for about 3o minutes, it was awesome, but there was one problem....I wasn't getting any closer to the mountain, I was actually getting farther away. A short time later I came across something I recognized.....my rental car. I had just spent an hour riding a complete circle back to the car. Great start. I immediately called "Douche" for help, he told me he would send me a map, who am I, Lewis & Clark and spouted back. It was at this exact moment I had my first bike celebrity citing....Rebecca Rusch or for those who know her, The Queen of Pain. She has been the ladies winner of the Leadville 100 for the past two years. She blew by me like she had an engine on her bike. A few minutes later a few riders came by and I got directions towards Columbine. I was on my way.
The climb up Columbine starts on a great fire road. The grade isn't really steep......it's just relentless. The roads wind and switchback through the trees for 6 or so miles and then you get above tree line. It is at this point of the climb where reality kicks you with a steel toed boat. The road switches to a rocky trail no wider than a cart path. There were sections so steep I had to get off and push, lots of sections... At this point in the climb, you are at 12,000'. My breathing never seemed impaired by the elevation, only by the beauty of the view. After numerous sessions of short riding, then walking, I made the left turn on the trail that takes you to the 50 mile turn around point of the race. This is a really cool section, it's about 300-400 yards long and you can ride it all. It's as if your riding a levee on top of the world. I pulled down to the turnaround and dismounted.
At this point, you are sitting at 12,570'. I stayed on top for 20-30 minutes taking pictures. I think the coolest part was that somehow I had a full phone signal. So I had to make a few phone calls.
The ride back down is very sketchy at the beginning. The grade is so steep and some of the sections are nothing but loose rocks. I didn't want to end my race before it started, so I really took my time. It was still so thrilling. I don't think I have ever ridden that long downhill. I made it back to the car and headed home. It was a great day, one I will never forget.
The next day and a half were pretty relaxed. We chilled around the house and went back into Vail for meals. On Thursday afternoon, we packed up and headed to the house in Leadville, our home for the next two days. It was slightly different than the house in Edwards.
Tune in tomorrow for a report on the final days of preparation in Leadville. Oh......The Douche arrives, so you know there will be a story or six....
Monday, August 15, 2011
Back Home
What an amazing week. I wasn't able to accomplish my goal (this time), but the experiences and emotions and friendships that were shared this week were indescribable. I have absolutely no disappointment or regret over not finishing. I actually feel amazing over what I was able to accomplish Saturday with my limited training time. I've got tons of photos and stories I will be sharing over the next few days, so stay tuned.
I want to take the time now to say thanks to Kimberly, Kate, Ben, Michael, Russ & Peter for their support on Saturday and everyone that has taken the time to follow my story over the past few months.
I will say that there was a major game changer for this blog on Saturday, but I'll save that story for a later post.
Thanks Again.
Friday, July 29, 2011
My Best Ride To Date
My journey on the bicycle began over two years ago. What started as just another hobby, has turned into a full on life consuming activity. To be honest, I'm really proud of the fact that this "hobby" didn't end up in the storage shed like the other five or six "hobbies" I've consumed myself with over the years. I'm prone to picking up something new and exciting and fully immersing myself into it, only to find something new and more exciting months later.
The bike has produced many positives and memorable moments. For starters, my health. When this all began I was way overweight and had just kicked my cigarette habit. I've since lost 40 lbs and am in the best shape of my life.
The memorable moments are numerous. I'll never forget the day I rode my first metric century (62 miles) down in Greenwood, Ms. A big group of us drove down with our better half's and spent the weekend. The day of the ride it must have been 105 degrees. The route had no scenery and the roads were pancake flat. I suffered, badly, but somehow I made it across the finish line. It was my first major ride and it felt great.
A few months later, I rode my first century ride. It left out of downtown Memphis and headed north. During this ride, I got dropped and lost. I was by myself in what I would refer to as North Methville Tennessee trying to use my smart phone Map app to find the course. I was also chased for 50 yards by a pit bull. I later found the course and continued riding. Hours later I began to see the Memphis skyline in the distance, it was my pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I made my way back down Beale St. towards the finish line to see my entire family who had come out to watch me finish. It was great and I was proud. I was just sorry that they had to wait a little, OK, a lot longer than they thought because I took so long.
This year I rode in my first race series. It was three crit races. On the first two events I was dropped quickly and spent the remaining 25 minutes fighting not only my burning legs, but my head which was asking me "What the hell are we doing"? But I kept riding lap after lap solo, each time passing my kids who were yelling for me with big grins on their face. I believe they thought I was in the lead because no other riders were around, so I just left it at that. On the third race, I had the legs. I was able to stay with the pack and avoid the crashes to finish 10th. It was really cool.
As you obviously know by reading this blog, I will be attempting my biggest ride to date in Leadville, Co in three weeks. I've spent the past four months training for this epic event and I physically feel amazing. I can only imagine what I'm in for, but I know that I have done my best at preparing for the day. I'm excited, nervous and anxious. I'm just ready to put my training in play and go. I look forward to the challenge, the scenery and the experience. I really appreciate everyone who follows this blog and your words of encouragement and I look forward to sharing the Leadville race experience with everyone.
This brings me to my Best Ride to Date. It was a simple ride, only three miles. My average speed was 8mph and I don't think my heart rate ever got above 100. But it was a ride that means more to me than any ride ever will.
This certainly wasn't Asher's and my first ride, but in a way it was. I was sharing my passion with him and he was loving it. That's a new bike and he is so proud of it, not just because it's shiny and has gears, but because it is like Daddy's.
Asher, I'm really proud of you. You're an incredible young man and an amazing son. I look forward to riding with you and watching you create your own memorable moments.
Love, Dad
The bike has produced many positives and memorable moments. For starters, my health. When this all began I was way overweight and had just kicked my cigarette habit. I've since lost 40 lbs and am in the best shape of my life.
The memorable moments are numerous. I'll never forget the day I rode my first metric century (62 miles) down in Greenwood, Ms. A big group of us drove down with our better half's and spent the weekend. The day of the ride it must have been 105 degrees. The route had no scenery and the roads were pancake flat. I suffered, badly, but somehow I made it across the finish line. It was my first major ride and it felt great.
A few months later, I rode my first century ride. It left out of downtown Memphis and headed north. During this ride, I got dropped and lost. I was by myself in what I would refer to as North Methville Tennessee trying to use my smart phone Map app to find the course. I was also chased for 50 yards by a pit bull. I later found the course and continued riding. Hours later I began to see the Memphis skyline in the distance, it was my pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. I made my way back down Beale St. towards the finish line to see my entire family who had come out to watch me finish. It was great and I was proud. I was just sorry that they had to wait a little, OK, a lot longer than they thought because I took so long.
This year I rode in my first race series. It was three crit races. On the first two events I was dropped quickly and spent the remaining 25 minutes fighting not only my burning legs, but my head which was asking me "What the hell are we doing"? But I kept riding lap after lap solo, each time passing my kids who were yelling for me with big grins on their face. I believe they thought I was in the lead because no other riders were around, so I just left it at that. On the third race, I had the legs. I was able to stay with the pack and avoid the crashes to finish 10th. It was really cool.
As you obviously know by reading this blog, I will be attempting my biggest ride to date in Leadville, Co in three weeks. I've spent the past four months training for this epic event and I physically feel amazing. I can only imagine what I'm in for, but I know that I have done my best at preparing for the day. I'm excited, nervous and anxious. I'm just ready to put my training in play and go. I look forward to the challenge, the scenery and the experience. I really appreciate everyone who follows this blog and your words of encouragement and I look forward to sharing the Leadville race experience with everyone.
This brings me to my Best Ride to Date. It was a simple ride, only three miles. My average speed was 8mph and I don't think my heart rate ever got above 100. But it was a ride that means more to me than any ride ever will.
This certainly wasn't Asher's and my first ride, but in a way it was. I was sharing my passion with him and he was loving it. That's a new bike and he is so proud of it, not just because it's shiny and has gears, but because it is like Daddy's.
Asher, I'm really proud of you. You're an incredible young man and an amazing son. I look forward to riding with you and watching you create your own memorable moments.
Love, Dad
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A Culture Like No Other
I'm a big fan of documentaries, especially anything having to do with bikes. I've seen all the great ones, The Great Divide, Race Across the Sky, Bicycle Dreams, etc.... If none of the above are familiar, I highly suggest checking them out. These stories are full of raw emotion, grit and determination.
Last night, as I was doing my normal Tuesday evening review of the new releases, I came across this movie, To Live and Ride in LA. I was immediately intrigued, but a little weary. I'm not really familiar with this fixed gear culture or lifestyle, but it was a documentary about bikes, so I went for it.
55 minutes later I was mesmerized. This is an amazing story with incredible characters. Their passion for two wheels is immeasurable. It was not a story of endurance riding or racing, rather a look into the lives of a group in LA that enjoy the true essence of riding a bike, speed and freedom.
Along with the great characters, the soundtrack and cinematography were fantastic. Each shot or song pulled you in and pumped you up. If I would have been wearing my heart rate monitor, I'm convinced I would have been around zone 3 while watching.
While I don't encourage the road etiquette of most of these riders, I salute their bravery. By the time the movie was over, I was ready to ditch the helmet, thrown on a cycling cap and torn up jeans with pant legs rolled up and hit the city streets. But then I realized I don't own a fixed gear, I can't ride a wheelie and there is no way in hell I'm getting on the South leg of I-240 at rush hour, so I'm stuck with my spandex shorts and insulated water bottles. But it is fun to dream.
One final cool thing about these characters....They can flat haul ass.
I highly suggest checking this one out.
Last night, as I was doing my normal Tuesday evening review of the new releases, I came across this movie, To Live and Ride in LA. I was immediately intrigued, but a little weary. I'm not really familiar with this fixed gear culture or lifestyle, but it was a documentary about bikes, so I went for it.
55 minutes later I was mesmerized. This is an amazing story with incredible characters. Their passion for two wheels is immeasurable. It was not a story of endurance riding or racing, rather a look into the lives of a group in LA that enjoy the true essence of riding a bike, speed and freedom.
Along with the great characters, the soundtrack and cinematography were fantastic. Each shot or song pulled you in and pumped you up. If I would have been wearing my heart rate monitor, I'm convinced I would have been around zone 3 while watching.
While I don't encourage the road etiquette of most of these riders, I salute their bravery. By the time the movie was over, I was ready to ditch the helmet, thrown on a cycling cap and torn up jeans with pant legs rolled up and hit the city streets. But then I realized I don't own a fixed gear, I can't ride a wheelie and there is no way in hell I'm getting on the South leg of I-240 at rush hour, so I'm stuck with my spandex shorts and insulated water bottles. But it is fun to dream.
One final cool thing about these characters....They can flat haul ass.
I highly suggest checking this one out.
To Live & Ride In L.A. OFFICIAL TRAILER from TRAFIK on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
It's Raining Bobcats
Click the above video and enjoy while reading this post.
This past Sunday I made my second run at the Lake Sylvia trail in Little Rock. On my first attempt, it was 105 degrees actual temperature, so I was hoping the weather would cooperate this time. I got my wish....it never got above 87 degrees and it rained...and rained...and rained. At first, I welcomed the rain, but after 3 hours I was praying for it to stop. By the time I finished, I was covered from head to toe in mud and as waterlogged as I have ever been. But at the days end, I was very proud of the ride.
I would normally have posted the ride details from my Garmin computer, but I forgot to turn it off when I was finished. It continued to run all the way of my drive home. I don't think anyone would believe that I rode 279 miles in 8:57 minutes and burned 7879 calories. So I had to break it down...
61 Miles Ridden
5000' of Climbing
5:45 Total Time
3,365 Calories Burned
1.5 Mental Breakdowns (Thats down 2 from the last time, so I was pleased)
There is a 40 mile loop at Sylvia that climbs 4000'. On my first attempt, It took me 4:30 minutes to do this loop. Sunday, I did it 4:10 minutes, I was very happy with the 20 minute gain. After the 40 mile loop, we took a 5 minute break and then headed back out to the trail. I was instructed by "LadyKiller" to go 10 miles out and then back. By this time I was starting to break down a little, my legs were okay, but the constant rain and mud spray in my face off the front tire was wearing on me. When he pulled up next to me and told me 100 more yards then turn around I thought I had just won the lottery. That final 10 miles was mainly a slight downhill, but a few climbs. Somehow, I truly believe I rode that 10 miles stronger than any part of the entire day. Reaching the main road brought a feeling a relief and exhilaration. It was also nice to see the look on "LadyKiller's" face, it was a look of "awesome job".
I could not get my gloves, shoes and socks off fast enough, but as soon as I removed the first glove I gagged....just a little.
My feet actually looked worse. I think it took the entire two hour drive back home for my hands and feet to recover.
I'm thinking these socks might become scrap rags. My shoes were so soaked they felt triple their normal weight.

This is my Camelbak. The sad thing is that I only wore it for the final 20 miles.
I have to admit that it does look much better when dirty.
On a side note, during one of the descents on the 40 mile loop I came across something I have never seen before...

Have a good week.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Practice Run
On Sunday I will be back in the "Natural" state to tackle the Lake Sylvia trail for a second time in three weeks. For those of you who read the earlier "Sylvia" post, you know how that day went, for those who don't know, it's probably best to remain that way. On this second attempt I will be attempting to ride 73 miles, I figure that should be about 8500' of climbing. If I can accomplish this task in 9 to 9.5 hours I will be a happy man.
I will be treating this run as a true Leadville set up. I will be waking up when I will be in Colorado, eating what I will eat in Colorado and hydrating and refueling in the same manner. This day will be about a lot more than just the ride, there are so many other factors that must be in place and this ride will be the test of those items. One positive, I checked the weather and it is only going to be 97 degrees, much cooler than the 107 it was last time.
"LadyKiller" will be present again for the ride. I've got the over-under set on 3.5 for the number of times we will want to strangle each other. I do appreciate him taking the time to be there with me, it's one hell of a gesture.
I've got my checklist and laid out all my items for the trip, I thought I would go over a few of them with you.
Two weeks ago I had a Retul done on the bike and I felt 100% better on the ride, I also added a pair of Ergon grips with the climbing handles. I wasn't really sure these would help, but they were amazing.
I have made major changes in the kits since the "Technicolor Dreamcoat" photo, but lets face it, I'm still 15lbs over weight and I'm only 5'9". I was excited to recently switch to a L for XL, but the thin & tall cycling physique is still escaping me. Because I would like to take some photos for the blog on this ride I will probably wear black, take advantage of that slimming effect.
About three months ago I switched to full finger gloves for both the mountain bike and the road bike. I thought that when the weather really got hot that I would switch back, but I haven't. I just like the comfort and I think my hands stay cooler than with the half finger gloves.
I've wear the DMT mbt shoe and it is incredible. They are super light and very comfortable. I also like the two soccer style spikes they have on the tip of the shoe, they come in very handy when I have to dismount and walk on a steep section. I got a lot of practice of that two weeks ago.
I've got two hydration backpacks, one is a 70oz and the other is 100oz. On my last ride at Sylvia I took the 100 and it was heavy, to heavy. This time I will be packing the 70oz. I will also have two water bottles on board. Plus the 70 oz pack is very basic with regards to straps while the 100 is like a damn octopus. It took me 10 minutes to figure out witch straps went with each other.
I will eat breakfast at 5:00 am. It will consist of instant oatmeal with honey. On the ride I will be consuming a number of different products, all honey based. The first is what I call my honey shot, it is a flask with half honey and half water, it's really good and it's straight energy. The only problem with this one is that it must be consumed early, it's pretty nasty when hot. They rest of the day I will refuel with Honey Stinger gels and waffles. My goal is to consume around 80g of carbs per hour.
I forgot these on the last ride and it was brutal. There is nothing worse than hearing yourself moan in agony for 3.5 hours. I haven't decided on the playlist yet, but I'm working on that.
I packed my head last time, but it was on crooked. It must be straight as an arrow this ride.
Check back on Sunday evening for an update on the ride. Have a great weekend.
I will be treating this run as a true Leadville set up. I will be waking up when I will be in Colorado, eating what I will eat in Colorado and hydrating and refueling in the same manner. This day will be about a lot more than just the ride, there are so many other factors that must be in place and this ride will be the test of those items. One positive, I checked the weather and it is only going to be 97 degrees, much cooler than the 107 it was last time.
"LadyKiller" will be present again for the ride. I've got the over-under set on 3.5 for the number of times we will want to strangle each other. I do appreciate him taking the time to be there with me, it's one hell of a gesture.
I've got my checklist and laid out all my items for the trip, I thought I would go over a few of them with you.
Two weeks ago I had a Retul done on the bike and I felt 100% better on the ride, I also added a pair of Ergon grips with the climbing handles. I wasn't really sure these would help, but they were amazing.
I have made major changes in the kits since the "Technicolor Dreamcoat" photo, but lets face it, I'm still 15lbs over weight and I'm only 5'9". I was excited to recently switch to a L for XL, but the thin & tall cycling physique is still escaping me. Because I would like to take some photos for the blog on this ride I will probably wear black, take advantage of that slimming effect.
About three months ago I switched to full finger gloves for both the mountain bike and the road bike. I thought that when the weather really got hot that I would switch back, but I haven't. I just like the comfort and I think my hands stay cooler than with the half finger gloves.
I've wear the DMT mbt shoe and it is incredible. They are super light and very comfortable. I also like the two soccer style spikes they have on the tip of the shoe, they come in very handy when I have to dismount and walk on a steep section. I got a lot of practice of that two weeks ago.
I've got two hydration backpacks, one is a 70oz and the other is 100oz. On my last ride at Sylvia I took the 100 and it was heavy, to heavy. This time I will be packing the 70oz. I will also have two water bottles on board. Plus the 70 oz pack is very basic with regards to straps while the 100 is like a damn octopus. It took me 10 minutes to figure out witch straps went with each other.
I will eat breakfast at 5:00 am. It will consist of instant oatmeal with honey. On the ride I will be consuming a number of different products, all honey based. The first is what I call my honey shot, it is a flask with half honey and half water, it's really good and it's straight energy. The only problem with this one is that it must be consumed early, it's pretty nasty when hot. They rest of the day I will refuel with Honey Stinger gels and waffles. My goal is to consume around 80g of carbs per hour.
I forgot these on the last ride and it was brutal. There is nothing worse than hearing yourself moan in agony for 3.5 hours. I haven't decided on the playlist yet, but I'm working on that.
I packed my head last time, but it was on crooked. It must be straight as an arrow this ride.
Check back on Sunday evening for an update on the ride. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Vegas Baby!
I'm writing this post at 32,000' somewhere over Oklahoma on the way to Vegas. We are going for a long weekend to celebrate Kimberly's 35th birthday. Neither of us have been to Vegas, so were really looking forward to the trip. Along for the B-day weekend celebration trip are Douche & Douche's better half, my heart rate has already reached anaerobic level twice. Neither Kim or I are big gamblers, were just really looking forward to eating, relaxing by the pool and eating. Douche got us tickets to see Love, the Beatles Cirque du Soleil and has made some great dinner reservations.
The timing of the trip isn't the best with regards to training, but I welcome the short cycling break. It will be nice to take not just a physical break, but also a mental break as well. Although, traveling with Douche does not provide much of a mental vacation. I plan on spending my days by the pool sipping a few fruity cocktails and showing off my exquisite cycling tan, seriously, it looks like I'm wearing a white T-shirt.
The morning did start will a big laugh, Douche was wearing a pair of parachute pants and lime green tennis shoes, classic. But don't worry, the parachute pants were Lulu lemon, so that made them much cooler than anything worn in Breakin 2.
The drink cart is one row away and I need time to decide between peanuts or pretzels so I must end here, have a great weekend.
The timing of the trip isn't the best with regards to training, but I welcome the short cycling break. It will be nice to take not just a physical break, but also a mental break as well. Although, traveling with Douche does not provide much of a mental vacation. I plan on spending my days by the pool sipping a few fruity cocktails and showing off my exquisite cycling tan, seriously, it looks like I'm wearing a white T-shirt.
The morning did start will a big laugh, Douche was wearing a pair of parachute pants and lime green tennis shoes, classic. But don't worry, the parachute pants were Lulu lemon, so that made them much cooler than anything worn in Breakin 2.
The drink cart is one row away and I need time to decide between peanuts or pretzels so I must end here, have a great weekend.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Girl Named Sylvia... Part 2 - The Good, The Bad & The Reality
As I said in yesterday's post, Sunday was the most difficult day I have ever had on the bike. Mentally as much as physically. My goal was to ride 60 miles, but I was pulled at 45. It wasn't my body that let me down, it was my head. When I was told "Get in the Fuckin Car", I was relieved, but that relief quickly turned to anger. I knew I had given up instead of putting my head down and fighting. The car ride back to Little Rock was awkwardly quiet. I knew the man sitting in the passenger seat, who I will refer to in this post as "LadyKiller" was disappointed and probably pissed. He had just spent 5 hours driving behind me at 8 miles per hour while I rode the trail and I gave up on him and myself. He knew it before I did, which is why he called it off. The awkward silence slowly gave away to a discussion of the days events. There were positives, only a few, and negatives, but it was not a failure. This ride was a benchmark. I now know what must be accomplished in two weeks when I go back and I certainly know what riding Leadville will require.
The Good
My body did not give up on me. It was 105 degrees while I was riding and my legs stayed strong, never cramped. Looking back today, I'm blown away that I could even complete what I did on Sunday. It's only been 3 months since I had my final cast removed. I've definitely come a long way physically. At about nine miles in, "LadyKiller" stopped me and gave me some technical advice about climbing. I was riding these early climbs in to easy of a gear, which was causing me to bounce up and down on the seat. This was, "wasted energy" he told me. "Bring it up a gear or two, find a rhythm and stick with it". This advice proved to be very useful. I immediately noticed a big difference in my climbing. It was smoother and I was able to keep myself and the bike under control, which allowed me to concentrate on my pedal stroke and the lines I was taking on the hill. Finally, if there is ever a water drinking contest, I will win...hands down. I think I will have the words "The Camel" pinstriped on my bike. I consumed seven liters of water during the forty mile ride, that has to be a record. Told you the "Good" was short, but that's okay.
The Bad
My head. I was defeated before the ride even started. I think "LadyKiller" even knew it. While we were driving to Sylvia he looked over and told me to relax. I'm still wondering as I write this how he knew. I knew going in that these would be steep climbs, I just underestimated their length. They seemed to go on forever and with each one I got more frustrated. I allowed my brain to tell my body that it wasn't possible. I allowed myself to feel defeated instead of just accepting the climbs and taking them as they came. At mile 37, I cracked. I hopped off the bike and declared I was finished. I was using every excuse possible...the heat, my leg, you name it. LadyKiller got back into the car, locked the doors, cracked the window and told me to clip my ass back onto the bike and get going. I knew he was serious and that if i didn't get back on he would have left my ass for the vultures. I got back on and continued. I finished the final three miles back to the car and mentally quit. When he announced it was time for another twenty miles I cringed. I clipped back in and took off, about 100 yards into the trail he pulled up to me and asked what was the problem? Is this guy a psychic? I think I must have answered him with my classic smart ass tone, because it was at that moment he told me "Get in the Fucking Car". He knew it would have been a waste, I knew I wasn't mentally prepared.
The Reality
I can train day after day for the next five months, but if I can't get mentally tough, it will be all for nothing. I must believe in myself and my physical ability. "LadyKiller" told me in the car ride home, "You know how to eat an elephant?, One bite at a time". I really like that quote. It made me realize that I just need to relax and not to freak out at the big picture, just settle down and take each obstacle one at a time.
To the dismay of "LadyKiller", I did get a few pics of the ride, so enjoy.

The Good
My body did not give up on me. It was 105 degrees while I was riding and my legs stayed strong, never cramped. Looking back today, I'm blown away that I could even complete what I did on Sunday. It's only been 3 months since I had my final cast removed. I've definitely come a long way physically. At about nine miles in, "LadyKiller" stopped me and gave me some technical advice about climbing. I was riding these early climbs in to easy of a gear, which was causing me to bounce up and down on the seat. This was, "wasted energy" he told me. "Bring it up a gear or two, find a rhythm and stick with it". This advice proved to be very useful. I immediately noticed a big difference in my climbing. It was smoother and I was able to keep myself and the bike under control, which allowed me to concentrate on my pedal stroke and the lines I was taking on the hill. Finally, if there is ever a water drinking contest, I will win...hands down. I think I will have the words "The Camel" pinstriped on my bike. I consumed seven liters of water during the forty mile ride, that has to be a record. Told you the "Good" was short, but that's okay.
The Bad
My head. I was defeated before the ride even started. I think "LadyKiller" even knew it. While we were driving to Sylvia he looked over and told me to relax. I'm still wondering as I write this how he knew. I knew going in that these would be steep climbs, I just underestimated their length. They seemed to go on forever and with each one I got more frustrated. I allowed my brain to tell my body that it wasn't possible. I allowed myself to feel defeated instead of just accepting the climbs and taking them as they came. At mile 37, I cracked. I hopped off the bike and declared I was finished. I was using every excuse possible...the heat, my leg, you name it. LadyKiller got back into the car, locked the doors, cracked the window and told me to clip my ass back onto the bike and get going. I knew he was serious and that if i didn't get back on he would have left my ass for the vultures. I got back on and continued. I finished the final three miles back to the car and mentally quit. When he announced it was time for another twenty miles I cringed. I clipped back in and took off, about 100 yards into the trail he pulled up to me and asked what was the problem? Is this guy a psychic? I think I must have answered him with my classic smart ass tone, because it was at that moment he told me "Get in the Fucking Car". He knew it would have been a waste, I knew I wasn't mentally prepared.
The Reality
I can train day after day for the next five months, but if I can't get mentally tough, it will be all for nothing. I must believe in myself and my physical ability. "LadyKiller" told me in the car ride home, "You know how to eat an elephant?, One bite at a time". I really like that quote. It made me realize that I just need to relax and not to freak out at the big picture, just settle down and take each obstacle one at a time.
To the dismay of "LadyKiller", I did get a few pics of the ride, so enjoy.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
A Girl Named Sylvia...
Today was the hardest day I have ever had on the bicycle, actually it was probably the toughest thing I have ever done. I'm now back at home and ready to refuel the 2500 calories I burned. To tired to do a full ride post, so I will have a part 2 tomorrow. Please click on the map to get the full specs of the ride.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Weekend Plans
One month from now I will be on a plane headed for Colorado. Time has flown bye. Training is still going amazing and I'm feeling strong. I've also really been working hard on my nutrition the past 7 weeks and its been paying off. All of my training this past 7 weeks has been solo and it's starting to weigh on me a little. It's nice to be able to have a conversation or share the work load with a fellow rider. But I do believe having to battle the elements by myself is only making me a better rider.
This weekend I take off for a training ride in Arkansas. I will be riding a 33 mile loop called Sylvia. It has a lot of climbing and the conditions are similar to what I will face in Leadville, minus the altitude. I will be making two loops for a total of 66 miles. It should be a good test of my current fitness. Two weeks from now I will go back to do 3 laps, 99 miles. That is the big boy. I'm a little nervous, but I just need to be confident in all my training and pay attention to my heart rate data.

On a side note, there is a big change coming to this blog. I won't reveal much at this time, but I'm really excited.
Get Buckled Up
This weekend I take off for a training ride in Arkansas. I will be riding a 33 mile loop called Sylvia. It has a lot of climbing and the conditions are similar to what I will face in Leadville, minus the altitude. I will be making two loops for a total of 66 miles. It should be a good test of my current fitness. Two weeks from now I will go back to do 3 laps, 99 miles. That is the big boy. I'm a little nervous, but I just need to be confident in all my training and pay attention to my heart rate data.

On a side note, there is a big change coming to this blog. I won't reveal much at this time, but I'm really excited.
Get Buckled Up
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Bike Porn
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hot as Hell
The heat today is nuts. It's so much hotter here than it was in Florida. The crosswind today made this ride brutal. The heat is one thing, but today was like riding with a fan attached to my side blowing hot air for three hours.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Trouble in Paradise
******Disclaimer - Any of my readers with a foot fetish need not continue******
In 37 years I had never broken a bone, then I had my accident in January. It was a big setback, but I made it through. I've spent countless hours training since late March and my progress has been amazing. I feel the strongest physically I have felt in over a decade. With only five weeks left until Leadville, I'm very confident in both my physical and mental fitness.
I have been here in Florida with the family for five days and my training is going great. I have not missed a workout. I'm feeling stronger with each ride and the numbers from my computer are confirming my feelings. But I have just been hit with a possible set back...
I had just finished a great two hour training yesterday and come back to the house. The kids were outside playing with the water hose. I put on my swim suit and went outside to join them. Asher had control of the hose and was spraying anyone in site. Being the 37 year old stealth ninja that I am, I went for a sneak attack. At the last minute he saw me, I ran through the lounge chairs and it happened. My little toe kicked the metal frame of the chair. You know the feeling. I continued running because I didn't want the direct spray of water to the face added to the pain of my foot. The pain lasted a few minutes, I figured maybe I had just jammed it pretty good. We continued playing.
A few hours later I was getting dressed for dinner. When I went to slide on my shoe I knew I had a problem. The pain was immense. I hobbled to dinner with thoughts of numbing my pain with a few glasses of red wine. I definitely had the wine, but the pain was still present. Could this really be happening?
When I woke this morning it was not a pretty scene. My toe looked like I had gotten frost bite on Mt. Everest. Dr. Kimberly got online to give me a diagnosis. All the typical stuff...Keep it elevated, no strenuous exercise, stay off your feet, all great things for someone in my current position. The one statement that really stuck out was "6 weeks to heal". I could tell be her face she was hesitant to even read that one. I don't have six weeks...
When I texted a friend to give him the news, his response was priceless..."You better tape it up, you've got a training ride today". That was it, simple but firm. So that's what I did. I somehow squeezed my swollen left foot into my shoe and hobbled outside. I mounted the saddle and took off down the road. I was supposed to do 1:30, but I shut it down at 50 minutes, thats all I could take. I actually rode that final 1/4 mile with only my right foot.
I can't believe this happened and I'm really not sure what impact it will have on my training the next few weeks. It's crunch time and I don't have any down time available. I've got another 1:30 ride tomorrow and I'm hoping it goes better.
I said in my CA aritcle that I would not comment on my finish at Leadville only that Leadville would get 100% effort. That is still my mindset and I will not allow a broken toe stop that effort.

I did speak to a Dr. back in Memphis who is aware of my training and he told me If worse came to worse, he could just cut it off. I'm not dismissing that as a possibility.
In 37 years I had never broken a bone, then I had my accident in January. It was a big setback, but I made it through. I've spent countless hours training since late March and my progress has been amazing. I feel the strongest physically I have felt in over a decade. With only five weeks left until Leadville, I'm very confident in both my physical and mental fitness.
I have been here in Florida with the family for five days and my training is going great. I have not missed a workout. I'm feeling stronger with each ride and the numbers from my computer are confirming my feelings. But I have just been hit with a possible set back...
I had just finished a great two hour training yesterday and come back to the house. The kids were outside playing with the water hose. I put on my swim suit and went outside to join them. Asher had control of the hose and was spraying anyone in site. Being the 37 year old stealth ninja that I am, I went for a sneak attack. At the last minute he saw me, I ran through the lounge chairs and it happened. My little toe kicked the metal frame of the chair. You know the feeling. I continued running because I didn't want the direct spray of water to the face added to the pain of my foot. The pain lasted a few minutes, I figured maybe I had just jammed it pretty good. We continued playing.
A few hours later I was getting dressed for dinner. When I went to slide on my shoe I knew I had a problem. The pain was immense. I hobbled to dinner with thoughts of numbing my pain with a few glasses of red wine. I definitely had the wine, but the pain was still present. Could this really be happening?
When I woke this morning it was not a pretty scene. My toe looked like I had gotten frost bite on Mt. Everest. Dr. Kimberly got online to give me a diagnosis. All the typical stuff...Keep it elevated, no strenuous exercise, stay off your feet, all great things for someone in my current position. The one statement that really stuck out was "6 weeks to heal". I could tell be her face she was hesitant to even read that one. I don't have six weeks...
When I texted a friend to give him the news, his response was priceless..."You better tape it up, you've got a training ride today". That was it, simple but firm. So that's what I did. I somehow squeezed my swollen left foot into my shoe and hobbled outside. I mounted the saddle and took off down the road. I was supposed to do 1:30, but I shut it down at 50 minutes, thats all I could take. I actually rode that final 1/4 mile with only my right foot.
I can't believe this happened and I'm really not sure what impact it will have on my training the next few weeks. It's crunch time and I don't have any down time available. I've got another 1:30 ride tomorrow and I'm hoping it goes better.
I said in my CA aritcle that I would not comment on my finish at Leadville only that Leadville would get 100% effort. That is still my mindset and I will not allow a broken toe stop that effort.
I did speak to a Dr. back in Memphis who is aware of my training and he told me If worse came to worse, he could just cut it off. I'm not dismissing that as a possibility.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Holiday Rooaaaood!
2 Adults
3 Kids (7, 3 & 21 months)
1 Dog
1 Bike
Snack Bag
491 Miles.....
God Help Us!!
We made it to Tupelo before we heard our first "Are we there yet?", which I thought was pretty good. It was also in Tupelo that I discovered that the car's headphones were broken, which meant I had to listen to every Looney Tunes & Tom & Jerry that the kids were watching. The fifteen minutes that Kimberly and I tried to listen to our music turned into a full mutiny from the back of the car, so we caved. The kids got settled into their show and the ride was going remarkably well, until....
As were were about to turn onto 65 South in Birmingham it happened. "Mooommy" was all I heard, I turned my head at the exact moment the projectile vomit occurred. The car turned into complete panic, actually just Kimberly and I, as Asher was too busy with "Swamp Brothers" on the Ipad and Julia, well, she's just Julia. We immediately pulled into the first parking lot we could. I slammed on the brakes and jumped out. It was bad, really bad. Kimberly handled Turner while I ran into the restaurant to get paper towels. I forgot to mention that the parking lot we pulled into was a Popeye's chicken. Remember that scene in Lampoon's Vacation when they ask for directions in East St. Louis? It was like that. The restaurant had no paper towels in either bathroom, so we ended up cleaning the car and Turner with paper napkins. With clean clothes and a semi-clean car seat we were on our way, without "Honkey Lips" painted on the side of the family truckster. Success.
For the next 2 to 3 hours, everyone was great. We stopped for lunch, filled up with gas and continued down the road. There was one growing problem, Julia was not taking a nap. Kimberly and I both knew this was not good, and she was going to turn on us at some point. The change occurred when we reached Highway 331- Julia had been replaced by the pea soup spitting girl from the Exorcist. We spent the next 30 minutes trying to maintain sanity while she screamed bloody murder. When we hit the beautiful resort town of Florala, she fell asleep. I figured it was smooth sailing from here out, but there was one more bump in the road...
With Julia finally asleep and only 40 miles left, Asher decided he had to pee. Kimberly firmly announced to him "this car is not stopping, if you want to pee, here's a bottle". He sat quietly for a moment, then caved. He unzipped and let it fly, it was classic. I kept thinking of that scene in Dumb & Dumber. We all got a big laugh out of it, and Turner found it so funny he had to give it a whirl. Classic road trip memory.
We pulled into the beach house at 5:20, nine and a half hours after we left. The ride had its ups and downs, but I would definitely call it a success. There is still the trip home, but that will be for a later post.
With the car unpacked, it was beverage time and thankfully, the family that stayed the week before had left a six pack of Stella in the fridge. I felt like I had won the lottery. By 6:30 we were on the porch enjoying the view.

It was an early night, but we were all glad to be settled in and ready for a great week.
My vacation has not put my training on the back burner. I had arranged an off day for Saturday, but Sunday morning I was back at it. I really love riding down here in Florida, the scenery is fantastic and Highway 98 is great to ride on, nice bike lanes and minimal stop light. I suited up and hit the road for my first ride.

My schedule only called for an 1:30 minute ride, so it was a nice way to start the week.
I can't think of a better view to end a training ride.

Monday was an off day. We spent the morning down at the beach playing. Asher loves the water, Turner...not so much. Julia loves just sitting in the sand and playing with her water buckets. After beach time, Kimberly and I packed up the kids and did some shopping and had lunch.

That night, the whole family drove down to Seaside for dinner. I've been very good lately about my nutrition, but it was an off day and I just couldn't resist.

This morning was another beautiful day. I passed on the donuts from Charlie's donut truck in Alys Beach and ate my wheat bread with Justin's Hazelnut Butter. By 9:00 am I was on the road for another ride.
So far...So good.
Now for a Post Script...
Checking the blog stats today, I noticed I have surpassed 3,000 page views. So to thank all of you for reading, here is a gift in return. Blue Suede Shoes- courtesy of Big Daddy. Enjoy...
2 Adults
3 Kids (7, 3 & 21 months)
1 Dog
1 Bike
Snack Bag
491 Miles.....
God Help Us!!
We made it to Tupelo before we heard our first "Are we there yet?", which I thought was pretty good. It was also in Tupelo that I discovered that the car's headphones were broken, which meant I had to listen to every Looney Tunes & Tom & Jerry that the kids were watching. The fifteen minutes that Kimberly and I tried to listen to our music turned into a full mutiny from the back of the car, so we caved. The kids got settled into their show and the ride was going remarkably well, until....
As were were about to turn onto 65 South in Birmingham it happened. "Mooommy" was all I heard, I turned my head at the exact moment the projectile vomit occurred. The car turned into complete panic, actually just Kimberly and I, as Asher was too busy with "Swamp Brothers" on the Ipad and Julia, well, she's just Julia. We immediately pulled into the first parking lot we could. I slammed on the brakes and jumped out. It was bad, really bad. Kimberly handled Turner while I ran into the restaurant to get paper towels. I forgot to mention that the parking lot we pulled into was a Popeye's chicken. Remember that scene in Lampoon's Vacation when they ask for directions in East St. Louis? It was like that. The restaurant had no paper towels in either bathroom, so we ended up cleaning the car and Turner with paper napkins. With clean clothes and a semi-clean car seat we were on our way, without "Honkey Lips" painted on the side of the family truckster. Success.
For the next 2 to 3 hours, everyone was great. We stopped for lunch, filled up with gas and continued down the road. There was one growing problem, Julia was not taking a nap. Kimberly and I both knew this was not good, and she was going to turn on us at some point. The change occurred when we reached Highway 331- Julia had been replaced by the pea soup spitting girl from the Exorcist. We spent the next 30 minutes trying to maintain sanity while she screamed bloody murder. When we hit the beautiful resort town of Florala, she fell asleep. I figured it was smooth sailing from here out, but there was one more bump in the road...
With Julia finally asleep and only 40 miles left, Asher decided he had to pee. Kimberly firmly announced to him "this car is not stopping, if you want to pee, here's a bottle". He sat quietly for a moment, then caved. He unzipped and let it fly, it was classic. I kept thinking of that scene in Dumb & Dumber. We all got a big laugh out of it, and Turner found it so funny he had to give it a whirl. Classic road trip memory.
We pulled into the beach house at 5:20, nine and a half hours after we left. The ride had its ups and downs, but I would definitely call it a success. There is still the trip home, but that will be for a later post.
With the car unpacked, it was beverage time and thankfully, the family that stayed the week before had left a six pack of Stella in the fridge. I felt like I had won the lottery. By 6:30 we were on the porch enjoying the view.
It was an early night, but we were all glad to be settled in and ready for a great week.
My vacation has not put my training on the back burner. I had arranged an off day for Saturday, but Sunday morning I was back at it. I really love riding down here in Florida, the scenery is fantastic and Highway 98 is great to ride on, nice bike lanes and minimal stop light. I suited up and hit the road for my first ride.
My schedule only called for an 1:30 minute ride, so it was a nice way to start the week.
I can't think of a better view to end a training ride.
Monday was an off day. We spent the morning down at the beach playing. Asher loves the water, Turner...not so much. Julia loves just sitting in the sand and playing with her water buckets. After beach time, Kimberly and I packed up the kids and did some shopping and had lunch.
That night, the whole family drove down to Seaside for dinner. I've been very good lately about my nutrition, but it was an off day and I just couldn't resist.
This morning was another beautiful day. I passed on the donuts from Charlie's donut truck in Alys Beach and ate my wheat bread with Justin's Hazelnut Butter. By 9:00 am I was on the road for another ride.
So far...So good.
Now for a Post Script...
Checking the blog stats today, I noticed I have surpassed 3,000 page views. So to thank all of you for reading, here is a gift in return. Blue Suede Shoes- courtesy of Big Daddy. Enjoy...
Untitled from Larkin Grisanti on Vimeo.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What The??????
5 Stages of Dying....Ever heard of it? Good, neither had I. The reason I bring it up is because I was recently told by a two-time finisher of the Leadville 100 that I would be experiencing these 5 stages at least three times during my ride. Pain...sure, Exhaustion...obviously, Lack of air...no question, but 5 stages of dying??? I rushed right home to read exactly what the hell these 5 items were.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
I sat quietly staring at the monitor, reading each one over and over. It made sense, I could put an example with each one. It didn't scare me, it just reminded me what I was in for on August 13th. It also reminded me of the level of mental toughness that will be required. Will I want to quit?...yes, Will I suffer?...yes, Will I unclip from my bike and have an emotional episode?...absolutely, but I know these things going in, I'm not approaching this ride blind. My mind will be tested as much as my fitness and I'm preparing everyday for that.
This one makes perfect sense. The same person who told me about the 5 stages also told me I would not be getting a buckle this year, and to focus on next year. What??? Don't want to believe it, I have to have a chance....right?
This one could come in all shapes and sizes. I could have a mechanical issue, I might have to get off and walk earlier than I would like or I could get 25 miles in and realize my legs aren't having a pleasant day.
This is where crazy starts to take over. You're all alone at 11,500 feet elevation and you're talking to yourself- pleading, making deals with your own body. We've all been there, asking for just one more mile or 30 more minutes.
This one scares me the most. This is your game changer. Can you fight through the mental breakdown and clear your head? I see only two ways out of this one, quit or kick your mind's ass.
When this stage kicks in, an outcome will be known. No matter what that outcome is, I believe this stage will provide a sense of peace, because to get to stage 5, you have had to battle 1-4, and that is an accomplishment in itself...
Round 1 over...2 two go.
It's been a little while since I posted, training has really ramped up. But I'm back now and I look forward to sharing the trials and tribulations of the next 59 days.
My fitness is the best it has been since I wore tightie whities and as of this morning I was 200lbs. I haven't seen that number in 10 years. I also crossed the '1000 miles ridden' mark since recovering from my surgery. I feel good, physically and mentally.
I want to say thanks to "Dirty Bird" for all your help, it means a lot and I appreciate it immensely.
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance
I sat quietly staring at the monitor, reading each one over and over. It made sense, I could put an example with each one. It didn't scare me, it just reminded me what I was in for on August 13th. It also reminded me of the level of mental toughness that will be required. Will I want to quit?...yes, Will I suffer?...yes, Will I unclip from my bike and have an emotional episode?...absolutely, but I know these things going in, I'm not approaching this ride blind. My mind will be tested as much as my fitness and I'm preparing everyday for that.
This one makes perfect sense. The same person who told me about the 5 stages also told me I would not be getting a buckle this year, and to focus on next year. What??? Don't want to believe it, I have to have a chance....right?
This one could come in all shapes and sizes. I could have a mechanical issue, I might have to get off and walk earlier than I would like or I could get 25 miles in and realize my legs aren't having a pleasant day.
This is where crazy starts to take over. You're all alone at 11,500 feet elevation and you're talking to yourself- pleading, making deals with your own body. We've all been there, asking for just one more mile or 30 more minutes.
This one scares me the most. This is your game changer. Can you fight through the mental breakdown and clear your head? I see only two ways out of this one, quit or kick your mind's ass.
When this stage kicks in, an outcome will be known. No matter what that outcome is, I believe this stage will provide a sense of peace, because to get to stage 5, you have had to battle 1-4, and that is an accomplishment in itself...
Round 1 over...2 two go.
It's been a little while since I posted, training has really ramped up. But I'm back now and I look forward to sharing the trials and tribulations of the next 59 days.
My fitness is the best it has been since I wore tightie whities and as of this morning I was 200lbs. I haven't seen that number in 10 years. I also crossed the '1000 miles ridden' mark since recovering from my surgery. I feel good, physically and mentally.
I want to say thanks to "Dirty Bird" for all your help, it means a lot and I appreciate it immensely.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Past Two Days
Good riding the past two days. The ride yesterday was a solo ride. This morning's ride was with the Friday group from the Peddler ride. Douche and I did it on our mountain bikes, it was one hell of a workout.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Achilles Heel
I love to cook on the grill, and I must admit that I'm damn good at it. You want the best NY Strip or Bone in Rib Eye you have ever tasted in your life, bring over a REALLY good bottle of red wine and come sit on my patio. Hell, I won't even charge you for the side dishes. I have it down, from seasoning, to cook temperature, to the resting of the meat. It's perfect. My brother in law thinks that he is the grill master, but he marinates. GAME OVER. If the grates of your grill are ever kissed with the likes of pineapple juice, mixed with soy sauce and Cavenders, save your breath. My grill skills do extend beyond steak, I do corn, roasted vegetables, shrimp, they are all great. But there is one item that has escaped me for more than a decade.....
Now, I don't blame my poor rib cooking on lack of skills. You see, I'm rib cursed...let me explain. One weekend back when I attended the University of Arkansas, my brother in law and I, we lived together, decided to have a big party and cook ribs. It was gonna be a blowout. We were from Memphis, we knew how to cook BBQ. We gathered all of our essential the day before and went home to prep. The problem was, our prep work was sidetracked by a lot of beer. From what I remember, we may have removed the ribs from their plastic casing???? Who knows. All I remember was waking up the next morning and all hell braking loose. We had done nothing and we had 60-75 people coming over in 6-7 hours. We hauled ass and got everything set up, and by everything I mean the 40's and Boone's Farm....they had to be cold. With 5 hours left we started the ribs, I thought we were perfect, so I started drinking and drinking and drinking. Next thing I know, I wake up and it's 11:30 at night and my face is completely painted with marker. I missed the whole damn party. I wander out into the den to find my brother in law, still pissed. I ask him about the ribs and I got one response...RAW! We disrespected the rib, we took her for granted and she is still paying my back.
I could have quit then, but I didn't. Every year I give her a go and she kicks my ass. I've tried everything, from Baby Back to St. Louis style, dry vs. wet, apple wood vs. cherry, but they all stink. But I don't give up, I tell myself it will happen one day. This past Monday was Memorial Day or Annual Rib Day in my house. This was my one shot in 2011 to get it right. I spent the day prior doing all my research and I was ready....but was the curse ready to release her death grip?

I went with my own homemade dry rub this year. After yeas of research, I discovered they are all pretty similar, but I did throw a little chef into it this year.
Salt / Pepper / Garlic Powder / Chili Powder / Cayenne / Onion Powder + My 2 chef extras...Ginger & All Spice
I dusted the ribs evenly all over with the seasoning, but I did something different this time I had read about. I put the brown sugar on after I seasoned the ribs and let the moisture almost melt it into a sauce. I really liked this idea..
I let the seasoned ribs sit for 30-40 minutes, they were looking great. While I was letting them rest I started my fire and soaked my wood. (Save the jokes) I went with apple this year. I also took the time to prepare my cooking area. Once my coals were nice and ashed over, I poured them into a nice pile in the back of my grill. I also placed an aluminum pan filled with water into my grill, for moisture.

Now it was a waiting game, I had to let them cool down until they reached my desired temperature...250 degrees. This is a pretty boring time. So I decided to entertain myself.

About an hour later...Jackpot!

It was time. I was nervous. I placed my two perfectly trimmed racks into their grill holder and shut the lid. I told myself that I had prepared the best I could. I just needed to maintain my 250 degree temperature and all would be fine. I went inside to prepare my mop. I used apple juice and butter. I would give them their first mop after one hour of cooking. I lifted the lid after one hour and this is what I saw.

I was pleased. Things were looking good. I moped the ribs, added a few more pieces of apple wood and shut the lid for another hour. This time between hour one and two has always been my biggest problem. My temperature would always drop and I would spend precious cooking time trying to get it back, but this time my temperature held well.
Hour 2

I couldn't hold back my excitement. The ribs looked great. I applied another mop and rotated the ribs in the holding rack. I added another batch of apple wood and closed the lid. Could the curse be over?
Hour 3

Do I even have to say anything? I gave them one last mop and threw on my corn. I would let them cook another 30-45 minutes.
When my timer went off I removed them from their holder and applied the BBQ Sauce. I closed the lid and let them go for 15 minutes. When I lifted the lid it was like a saw an angel...

It's okay to drool. I took the ribs inside and let them cool before cutting.
It was time to eat. I pulled my chef knife from the drawer, grabbed the first slab and made my incision...
The first thing I noticed, no smoke ring. Just grey ass meat. I was pissed, but I continued cutting. We made our plates and sat down. It was the moment of truth. I watched my wife take the first bite, but it was not a bite, it was like a gnaw. Failure. The meat didn't easily pull from the bone, it had to be winched! What the hell? I had just spent 6 hours doing everything possible to cook a good slab, but it was all for nothing. Another year, another crappy set of ribs. I will say however, that my dry rub was good. But there is always next year.
Who am I kidding, I'm eating steak.
Now, I don't blame my poor rib cooking on lack of skills. You see, I'm rib cursed...let me explain. One weekend back when I attended the University of Arkansas, my brother in law and I, we lived together, decided to have a big party and cook ribs. It was gonna be a blowout. We were from Memphis, we knew how to cook BBQ. We gathered all of our essential the day before and went home to prep. The problem was, our prep work was sidetracked by a lot of beer. From what I remember, we may have removed the ribs from their plastic casing???? Who knows. All I remember was waking up the next morning and all hell braking loose. We had done nothing and we had 60-75 people coming over in 6-7 hours. We hauled ass and got everything set up, and by everything I mean the 40's and Boone's Farm....they had to be cold. With 5 hours left we started the ribs, I thought we were perfect, so I started drinking and drinking and drinking. Next thing I know, I wake up and it's 11:30 at night and my face is completely painted with marker. I missed the whole damn party. I wander out into the den to find my brother in law, still pissed. I ask him about the ribs and I got one response...RAW! We disrespected the rib, we took her for granted and she is still paying my back.
I could have quit then, but I didn't. Every year I give her a go and she kicks my ass. I've tried everything, from Baby Back to St. Louis style, dry vs. wet, apple wood vs. cherry, but they all stink. But I don't give up, I tell myself it will happen one day. This past Monday was Memorial Day or Annual Rib Day in my house. This was my one shot in 2011 to get it right. I spent the day prior doing all my research and I was ready....but was the curse ready to release her death grip?
I went with my own homemade dry rub this year. After yeas of research, I discovered they are all pretty similar, but I did throw a little chef into it this year.
Salt / Pepper / Garlic Powder / Chili Powder / Cayenne / Onion Powder + My 2 chef extras...Ginger & All Spice
I dusted the ribs evenly all over with the seasoning, but I did something different this time I had read about. I put the brown sugar on after I seasoned the ribs and let the moisture almost melt it into a sauce. I really liked this idea..
I let the seasoned ribs sit for 30-40 minutes, they were looking great. While I was letting them rest I started my fire and soaked my wood. (Save the jokes) I went with apple this year. I also took the time to prepare my cooking area. Once my coals were nice and ashed over, I poured them into a nice pile in the back of my grill. I also placed an aluminum pan filled with water into my grill, for moisture.
Now it was a waiting game, I had to let them cool down until they reached my desired temperature...250 degrees. This is a pretty boring time. So I decided to entertain myself.

About an hour later...Jackpot!
It was time. I was nervous. I placed my two perfectly trimmed racks into their grill holder and shut the lid. I told myself that I had prepared the best I could. I just needed to maintain my 250 degree temperature and all would be fine. I went inside to prepare my mop. I used apple juice and butter. I would give them their first mop after one hour of cooking. I lifted the lid after one hour and this is what I saw.
I was pleased. Things were looking good. I moped the ribs, added a few more pieces of apple wood and shut the lid for another hour. This time between hour one and two has always been my biggest problem. My temperature would always drop and I would spend precious cooking time trying to get it back, but this time my temperature held well.
Hour 2
I couldn't hold back my excitement. The ribs looked great. I applied another mop and rotated the ribs in the holding rack. I added another batch of apple wood and closed the lid. Could the curse be over?
Hour 3
Do I even have to say anything? I gave them one last mop and threw on my corn. I would let them cook another 30-45 minutes.
When my timer went off I removed them from their holder and applied the BBQ Sauce. I closed the lid and let them go for 15 minutes. When I lifted the lid it was like a saw an angel...
It's okay to drool. I took the ribs inside and let them cool before cutting.
It was time to eat. I pulled my chef knife from the drawer, grabbed the first slab and made my incision...
The first thing I noticed, no smoke ring. Just grey ass meat. I was pissed, but I continued cutting. We made our plates and sat down. It was the moment of truth. I watched my wife take the first bite, but it was not a bite, it was like a gnaw. Failure. The meat didn't easily pull from the bone, it had to be winched! What the hell? I had just spent 6 hours doing everything possible to cook a good slab, but it was all for nothing. Another year, another crappy set of ribs. I will say however, that my dry rub was good. But there is always next year.
Who am I kidding, I'm eating steak.
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